Break the Rules.
Rebrand Your Life.

Helping driven men unlock a life well-lived, not just well-worked

Set the Standard
Lead with Strength
Build Enduring Confidence

You've Been Lied To.

So your family life is a cycle of conflicts and disconnection. You're just going through the motions. And what fucking sucks is that you're used to solving and fixing problems. But this isn't working. You feel disconnected and under-appreciated by those closest to you.

The Lies You've Been Told:

✖ Being a Provider is Enough. It's not, btw... you can buy them all the stuff but still end up lonely and hated.

✖ To Be a Man, You Need to Figure This Out on Your Own. Sure, toughing it out might feel tough, but it's kind of stupid.

✖ Vulnerability is Weakness. Umm, no... it takes extreme strength to dig deeper.

✖ Sacrificing Personal Happiness is Noble. Quite the opposite. Self-neglect leads to burnout and resentment. You can have happiness, your family, and a successful career.

No-BS Coaching Designed for Men

Most coaching out there isn’t tailored for men, but our services are designed specifically for high-achieving men ready to take control of their lives, reconnect with their families, and redefine what success means.


Break down barriers and open up to genuine communication. This intensive 4-week program is designed to help you overcome defensiveness and build stronger, more authentic relationships.


Get personalized, no-bs coaching that addresses your unique challenges and goals. Over 12 weeks, we’ll work together to smash limiting beliefs, establish effective systems, and develop empowering habits that lead to lasting change.

Corporate Coaching & Workshops

Equip your team with the skills to communicate better not only at work but also at home. Our corporate coaching and workshops enhance leadership and communication, leading to improved morale at home and better performance at work.

"I've listened to all the self-help books and even tried a therapist. I desperately wanted to fix the frustration happening at home, but things only seemed to get worse. Within a week of working with Frederick, I was given tools to create stability in my home. Less toxicity and more space to feel like things were normal. Now, we're building new systems that allow me to connect more deeply with my wife and kids. This work has not only helped my family but also made me stronger as a business owner."

Matt Carroll


Who is Seat at the Table Coaching?

Hey, I'm Frederick Van Riper. You might say I have a calling for this. I know that's woo woo. But I can't not do this! I'm driven to bring value to men who feel confined by some made-up rulebook on what it means to be a man.

I understand the pressures of living up to society's expectations. I chased the dream of a successful business career, only to watch the relationships that mattered most hang by a thread. The last thing you want is to build an empire only to see your personal life crumble.

That's why I started Seat at the Table Coaching. With specialized training in communication, leadership, relationships, and mindset, I help high-achieving husbands and fathers break free from societal confines and reclaim what truly matters.

Through a powerful combination of proven strategies and personalized guidance, I empower men to shatter the status quo, redefine success, and build a life that aligns with their deepest values and aspirations.

Reclaim Your Power in 3 Steps

What it looks like working with Seat at the Table:


Customize Your Plan

Together, we'll craft a personalized coaching blueprint tailored to your unique story, challenges, and aspirations. This no-nonsense plan is designed to address your specific needs and set you on the path to true fulfillment.


Work the Plan

In our guided sessions, we’ll smash through limiting beliefs, establish effective systems, and develop empowering habits. You'll gain the tools and strategies needed to conquer life's obstacles and create lasting change.


Embrace Your Legacy

Step into a life of genuine joy, meaningful connections, and limitless potential. We'll help you build a legacy that truly matters, one filled with love, inspiration, and unapologetic success.

Schedule a Call

You've played it safe long enough. Now’s the time to break shit and rebuild.

Life’s too important to play the wrong game.

Schedule a Call Today